work with me

If you are interested in conducting research with me, welcome! I am eager to share my experiences and mentor students. The work that I do is in STEM education but varies greatly. My background is in mathematics education. Other disciplines that I study are data science, machine learning, computer science, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

There are many ways that I can partner with students:

If you are a high school student:

I’m excited that you’re excited about doing research! Please send me an email at vdelaney [at] sdsu [dot] edu with:

  1. Your resume
  2. 1-2 sentences about what interests you about my research
  3. 1-2 sentences about your career goals
  4. Approximately how many hours per week you are available.

I will do my best to get back to you about volunteering in my lab.

If you are an undergraduate student at SDSU:

Please send me an email at vdelaney [at] sdsu [dot] edu with:

  1. Your resume
  2. Your major
  3. What interests you about my research
  4. Approximately how many hours per week you are available on an ongoing basis within the semester that you’d like to do research.

I’ll set up a time to chat with you about your interests, bandwidth, and what you could work on.

If you are a current master’s student or Math and Science Education Ph.D. student at SDSU/UCSD:

I’d be happy to work with you for your independent projects, master’s thesis, or dissertation if you believe I am a good fit. Please send me an email at vdelaney [at] sdsu [dot] edu that describes your interests and goals.

If you are seeking funded research opportunities, please email me and we can set up a time to talk one-on-one.

If you are a prospective Ph.D. student interested in MSED:

Please contact me and set up a time to talk about your interests and your goals during and after your Ph.D. MSED’s application process is unique in that prospective students apply to the program, not to individual faculty advisors. Regardless, I’d be happy to help you navigate the application process and answer your questions!

If you would like to work with me as a postdoc:

Congrats on nearing the end of your Ph.D.! SDSU has growing opportunities for postdoctorate positions. Although I’m not seeking a Postdoctoral scholar at this time, I’d be happy to point you toward faculty who are.

Some qualities that I value and increase the likelihood that we are a good match to work with one another:

  • Self-motivated and self-directed
  • Direct and frequent communicator
  • Demonstrate curiosity, ask lots of questions
  • Introspective
  • Lead with kindness and compassion